Standard and technology level of high-pressure gas facilities
Category Standard and Technology Level of Gas Facilities Inspection before use Before using gas, check the state of stability of its container, the state of its safety device, and the length of time the gas has been in storage, and check if there are flammable materials around the gas container. Inspection during use Do not leave the laboratory during an experiment. Frequently check the gas flow and gas gauge state. Check gas leak and operating status once a day or more. Inspection after use After using gas, close both the intermediate valve and the main valve. Construction of use facilities The replacement of gas containers and the construction of gas pipelines should be performed by a professional technician. Contact the supplier to replace a gas container, and a professional gas pipeline company to build the pipeline. Report of use A person who wants to establish and use a gas facility should report its construction and use to the gas safety manager Container management - A gas container must be fixed before being used. All high-pressure gas containers should be fixed by using chains or gas holders to prevent accidents caused by container fall.
- Gas containers whose valid gas charging is terminated or those that have unused gas should be immediately returned or disused. Their gas valves may be loosened because they are stored for a long time.
- Before a gas container is first used, you need to receive safety training. Ask for the help of an academic adviser/expert.
- A gas container should be stored in an outdoor container storage. The gas should be used through the pipeline.
No use of gas blending Do not use a gas container with oxygen and the air. No storage of mixture gas Do not store oxidizing and flammable gases at the same place. Gas identification tag An identification tag should be manufactured and attached to a gas container for easy identification. Emergency measure If a gas leaks, close all valves and open the windows to fully ventilate the place. Do not use electrical facilities and products. If a gas leak is found, immediately contact the gas supplier or the gas safety manager.
Safety management of liquefied petroleum gas
Category Standard and Technology Level of Gas Facilities Applicable Organization Penalty for Violation Container management - A gas container must be stored outdoors, away from flammable items.
- You need to take measures against the impact caused by the falling of a filling container.
Pipeline - A pipeline should be constructed in a well-ventilated place. A pipeline inside a building should be installed in a single foot or exposed.
- A pipeline should be fixed and maintained, 30 cm or longer away from the negative portion, electric flashers, and electric connectors.
Gas circuit breaker The gas facilities installed in a building should have gas circuit breakers to block the gas during a gas leak. Intermediate valve In a gas facility, a fuse cock should be installed for an intermediate valve for each combustor. Hose In a gas facility, the length of a hose should be less than 3m, and the hose should not be "t"-shaped. Meter A person who wants to use gas should install a gas meter in the trading volume system. Korea Gas Safety Corporation KRW 2 million or less Report of use A person who wants to use a specified high-pressure gas should report its use to the Mayor of Ulju-gun at least 20 days before its use. Ulju County Office Facility inspection After the construction of LPG installation, the Korea Gas Safety Corporation should inspect the facility before its use. The system should be regularly inspected once a year. Korea Gas Safety Corporation KRW 2 million or less Insurance A person who wants to use LP gas should have gas liability insurance to be compensated for death, injury, or property damage, caused by a gas accident. Property insurance company KRW 1 million or less Facility check An LP gas user should frequently check the operation of the gas facility once a day or more (using a check table). Gas user Regulator A pressure regulator should not have corrosion, crack, and failure of fastening screws. It should meet the maximum use and pressure of the gas.
Safety management of specified high-pressure gas
Category Standard and Technology Level of Gas Facilities Applicable Organization Penalty for Violation Type Hydrogen (h2), oxygen (o2), acetylene (c2h2), liquefied ammonia (nh4), liquefied chlorine gas (cl2), natural gas, monosilane (sih4), diborane (b2h6), liquefied algin (ash4), phosphine (ph4), hydrogen selenide (h2se), mono germane (geh4), disilane (si2h6) Container management - The filling container of a high-pressure gas should be maintained at 40 oc or less.
- You need to take measures against the impact caused by the dropping/falling of the filling container of a high-pressure gas.
- Do not store a flammable gas and oxygen by mixing them.
Report of use A person who wants to use a specified high-pressure gas should report its use to the Mayor of Ulju-gun at least 20 days before its use. Targets required to report - A person who builds gas facilities with 6 or more gas containers (use 50 m3) and uses hydrogen, oxygen, or acetylene
- A person who uses a specified high-pressure gas with a compressed gas storage whose capacity is 50 m3 or higher
- A person who wants to use monosilane, compressed diborane, liquefied algin, phosphine, hydrogen selenide, germane, disilane, arsenic pentafluoride, phosphorus pentafluoride, phosphorous trifluoride, nitrogen trifluoride, boron trifluoride, sulfur tetrafluoride, silicon tetrafluoride, liquefied chlorine gas, or liquefied ammonia regardless of its volume
Facility inspection After the construction of a specified high-pressure gas facility, the Korea Gas Safety Corporation should inspect the facility before its use. The system should be regularly inspected once a year. Korea Gas Safety Corporation KRW 2 million or less Insurance A person who wants to use a specified high-pressure gas should have gas liability insurance to be compensated for death, injury, or property damage, caused by a gas accident Insurance KRW 1 million or less Facility check An LP gas user should frequently check the operation of the gas facility once a day or more (using a check table). Gas user Handling of gas container When using a filling container while moving it, the container should be firmly fixed to a cart. After finishing its use, store it properly. Pipeline - The pipeline of a flammable or toxic gas should be constructed in a stable, well-ventilated place.
- The pipeline of a toxic gas use facility needs a protective system such as double pipes at the necessary part depending on the type, property, pressure, and surrounding area of the gas.
Regulator A pressure regulator should not have corrosion, crack, and failure of fastening screws. It should meet the maximum use and pressure of the gas.