The first action you should do is to escape from the place where a fire breaks out.
- - The most dangerous thing in a fire is the toxic smoke rather than the flame.
- - Close your mouth and nose with a handkerchief, etc. in a position as low as possible, and evacuate to the other side of the fire.
- - Do not delay the evacuation from the place to take books, bags, valuables, etc. After the evacuation, do not go back into the laboratory. It is very dangerous.
- - If your cloth is on fire, do not run back and forth because you are embarrassed. If so, the fire will burn fast. At the time, use the emergency shower in the hallway or put your arms
in front of your chest and lean on the floor and slowly roll your body.
The following cases allow firefighting before the evacuation.
- - You think that you can evacuate the place enough even though firefighting fails.
- - All laboratory members escape from the place and you have enough time for firefighting.
- - When the fire is small, the risk is low (e.g. small fire that breaks out during an experiment)
- - You can operate a fire extinguisher at the gate (because you can evacuate the place during an emergency).
- - If you are not sure of firefighting, do not try to put out a fire but evacuate the place.
Rapidly, call 119.
- - When making a call, you should clearly and calmly talk about the place where the fire broke out, cause of fire, number of people who cannot escape from the place, etc.
Do not use an elevator.
- - It is very dangerous to use an elevator in case of fire. You should walk away even if you are in a tall building.
If you are isolated in a room in case of fire
- - Cry for help or throw objects out the window to let people know you are trapped in a burning place.
- - Close the door and seal the door gaps with blankets, sheets, or socks to block smoke.
- - Soak a handkerchief, etc. to use it as a mask and lower your pose.

- Stop the experiment without hesitation, calmly take measures for each equipment according to the manual within the shortest time, and evacuate the place.
- Cry for help to others in the laboratory.
- Quickly go to the nearest emergency exit.
- When evacuating through an opening area such as emergency exit, CLOSE the door to prevent the diffusion of fire or smoke.
- If smoke leaks into windows or door gaps, block them with blankets, sheets, or socks with water and lower your pose and get down on the ground. Then, breathe briefly.
- If it is impossible to evacuate downstairs, go upstairs to the roof and ask for help.
- If it is difficult to leave the place because flame or smoke is approaching you, take safety measures in the building, let people outside the building know about the fire,
wait for help rather than using the stairs or escaping through the hallways. - DO NOT USE an elevator in case of fire because an elevator door may open in fire floors or you may be stuck in an elevator due to power failure.
- A person who is isolated in the building should request for rescue through a window with no flame or smoke or shake a white cloth to let people outside the building know that a fire broke out.